Friday, August 10, 2012

Notes from Our Trip Back

Hi friends! Thank you to everyone who wished us well on our travels. It was a long, surreal day for me. I spent a good chunk of the morning furiously filling out the knowledge review quizes for my Advanced Scuba Diving Certificate, which I had procrastinated an entire year on doing.

note to self: stop procrastinating

I said goodbye to Clare {hardest thing I had to do that day} and prodded my husband along to finish packing. He was still going through papers & shoving things into his backpack at 3 hours before our departure time.

note to self: encourage husband to stop procrastinating

We made it in the knick of time to the airport, less than an hour before take-off. The airline agent had to call in to make sure that "Domestic Short Hair" was a real breed of cat. I may have said something along the lines of, "just because you've never heard of it doesn't mean it's not a real breed!"

note to self: bite your tongue

Thankfully whoever she talked to on the other end of the phone agreed with me & she let us go through. Getting on the plane was no big deal, we pretty much just walked right on because we were so late. As we took off the thought hit me that I might never see the island again, and I couldn't stop the tears. The student sitting on the other side of the aisle said, "Aren't you a spouse? We should be the ones crying, not you!"  Which of course just made me cry even more!

note to self: avoid crying on an airplane, it's embarrassing

When we got to Puerto Rico, we had to take Adamcat through customs which took longer than it should have and resulted in one of those epic-movie moments where we ran through the airport & yelled "hold the doors!!" as the attendant was walking away. I wish I were exaggerating.

note to self: schedule longer layovers when traveling with a pet

The last leg of our journey was rather uneventful. Quick stopover in Miami before the long flight to California. All our luggage made it through, and we left LAX around midnight. Chris & Adam went to stay at his mom's and I spent the night with my sister.

Since then, things have been a whirl-wind! Driving my car again, getting a phone {just a cheapy}, job interviews, etc. I'm staying with a dear friend and her family for now until we get a few more things settled.

I still feel a little shocked and exhausted, sort of like my brain is struggling to comprehend the transition and to keep up with this faster pace. There are gonna be a lot of changes in store for us in the upcoming weeks and months, but for now it's one day at a time.

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