Monday, July 23, 2012

2 Week Countdown

T-minus two weeks to America. Holy cow, this is for real. Let's talk about some good things, eh? Take my mind off the scary parts.

A Second Interview 

I have a second interview {for a dream job} set up for the day after we get back to CA. In my last vlog I talked about how I'd love to work for a university & someday start teaching classes. Well, this is my foot in the door. It's not a teaching position, but it is an educational technology position. In this case, it means that I would be helping the university in it's e-learning department.

The Unphished Techy

This weekend I attended my 6th RSO Farewell Banquet in Dominica. You can see pictures from the last banquet, here. Basically, it's an excuse to get dressed up & have a celebration with friends! It's tradition to give the leaving members a silly award, and I was named "The Unphished Techy." It's two-fold because 1- I hate all things fish and 2- My websites don't get hacked. (ha! knock on wood.)

Cleaning My Closet

My closet was a wreck. It has floor to ceiling shelves (like bookshelves), which I managed to turn into a floor to ceiling pile of clothes. A friend came over & helped me to pull every last thing out of the closet to put into sell, donate, or keep piles. I'm not kidding when I say that I got rid of two-thirds of my wardrobe this week. What I'm really excited about is going shopping back in the states to replace some of those items! {job reward?!}

Free Alt Classes

Has anyone else taken advantage of the free classes from ALT + Bing? The teachers are all really knowledgable and pack so much in to a quick one-hour class. I've taken classes on Business Cards & Pinterest so far. And now I am slightly obsessed totally excited to start work on my own creative business cards! Check out my pinterest inspiration board :)

Do you have anything good to share?

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