Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Evolution of a Blog Design

You guys know that designing blogs is one of my favorite things to do, right? And one of the benefits of learning more graphic and web design is being able to pimp my blog occasionally. My new design stemmed from a desire to move to 3 columns and also wanting to modern-ify my space a bit.

Recently, Kristen and Emily shared the evolution of their blog designs and I thought it would be fun to follow suit today. My 3-D {real life} friends will remember this design, circa 2010. My first ever blog design:

The scrapbook-y ness of it is just terrible! All that brown & dank. I think the thought process was that we were moving to Dominica (in a hot air balloon) with our old fashioned steamer trunk and adventure gear. The map background, the light guiding our path, it makes me gag little now. And how about that awesome Pirate font?

Fast forward to Summer 2011. Round two:

So much better, but still not wonderful. At this point, I was learning more about Photoshop, design, and coding. These overly saturated colors hurt my eyes now, but the clean white background made a world of difference.

At this point, I started taking blog design seriously & spent the fall learning about the proper way to do things. When I installed my last design in January, it finally felt like I had a 'real' blog. And I started really blogging.

I'm still fond of this design, it was just time for a change! The fonts and color scheme remind me of my grandparents generation, which I love, but the whole design was a bit heavy.

With this new design, I decided to challenge myself to really code as much of it as possible without relying on image slicing. The way the sidebar & menu overlap with opacity and scroll over and under the triangles makes me slightly giddy inside. As do the pretty image sprites for social networking icons & the fact that my logo changes upon hover. Even the sidebar titles are pure CSS!

The one thing I'm not really sure I'll be able to stick with long-term is the triangle pattern on the sidebar. I love it today, but I know that triangles are a passing trend. Thankfully that pattern will be easy to switch by changing one line of code.

What do you guys think? Let me know if you find any errors!

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