Monday, April 9, 2012

Blogger Pet Peeves

I've had Priceless Adventure for nearly two years now. {Read my first post!} In that time, I've transitioned from a purely personal blogger to branching out into the blogging community. Over the last few months I've been putting my heart & soul into blogging and interacting with other bloggers. In that time, I've come across a few things that just irk me. Let me share.
  • Comment Moderation
Turn it off! You will not get spammed, promise! Nothing is worse than going to leave a comment and then having to guess at the word verification. Be kind to those of us who might be reading on our iPad or phone. Leaving a comment from my iPad is nearly impossible if comment moderation is turned on. At this point, if I don't get it the first try, I just don't comment. You don't want that! Turn the darn thing off.

Here is how (you didn't think I'd leave you hanging, did you?)

It doesn't matter if the word verification is on, so long as Comment Moderations is set at "Never." Please, for the love of the blogging community, turn the comment moderation off!

  • Sponsor Integrity

I love sponsor swapping with like minded bloggers. I have met a few great people that way. My pet peeve is when someone asks you to swap but doesn't read your blog, or offers a teeny tiny spot in exchange for your large space, or says they are putting up your button, but never do. Have some integrity!

Please read (& enjoy) my blog if you are going to swap with me. I read every blog on my sponsor list, and I comment regularly because I'm genuinely interested in what you have to say and think others might like your blog too.

*p.s. I tidied up my sponsor section today, if you'd like to be considered for the rest of April please send me an email. For the sake of my own integrity, I'm only going to share buttons of like minded bloggers who are active followers of my blog. {check out Kate's awesome post on this topic!}

  • Daily Link Ups

There is nothing wrong with a weekly feature or two, but when everyday is a link up it gets old quickly. Sunday Confessions, Wordless Wednesday, Thursday Thirteen, Friday Fancies.. The thing I love most about reading blogs is getting to know other people. It's sort of like reality TV. When I read the same things over and over, it bums me out. Be original! Tell me a story about your day or week. That's the reason I read, not to see some fantasy outfit that neither of us can afford.

  • Display Fonts

Please, make the main text of your blog a readable, clear, reasonably large font. {do I need to say neutral color? or is it obvious?} No one wants to read your blog if it is written in a hot pink cursive font at size 10 (or 16 for that matter). There is a reason Verdana, Arial, and Georgia exist: they are readable. Please, have all the fun you want with your header & sidebar titles. Even your block quotes. But make your blog text plain & readable!

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