Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Liebster Award

Remember Emmy June from yesterday? She's a world-traveling and fun-loving gal from Australia. If you perused her blog, you might have noticed that she awarded me the Liebster Award last week!

I was really excited and touched to be given my first award. I've been reading blogs for over a year now, and have seen various people get awards somewhat enviously. So thank you Emmy June for sharing the love, I appreciate it.

Liebster is a German word which means “dearest” or “beloved.” It can also mean favorite. The idea behind the Liebster Blog Award is that it is given to upcoming bloggers (with fewer than 200 followers) in order to create new connections and bring attention to wonderful growing blogs.

Part of the fun of getting the Liebster Award is that you get to pass it on to 5 other up-and-coming bloggers! I have been following these 5 bloggers for some time now, and they each bring something unique and special to the blogging community.

{for her honest & positive spirit} 

{for beautiful photos & generous sharing} 

{for her excellent writing style} 

{for encouraging posts from her journey}

{for openness about her dreams} 

If you have been awarded the coveted Liebster award, here’s what’s next:
☞ choose five up and coming blogs with less than 200 followers to award
☞ show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.
☞ hope the 5 you nominate will keep the cycle going to spread good blogging karma!

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