The truth is, I've been entirely too busy
reading blogs to post in my own. There is this thing called RSS: Really Simple Syndicate. I've always wondered what that funny symbol was, but never cared enough to find out. It turns out that when you click the RSS button, it's kinda of like subscribing to that blog. Then if you go to
Google Reader (which if you have gmail, you already have) all your "subscriptions" are there waiting for you. And if you use Blogspot already, all the blogs that you "follow" on Blogspot are already set up, ready to go! So then, instead of going to check 15 different people's blogs everyday all I have to do is go to G-Reader and voila! All the updates are there waiting for me. What an awesome system, and a time saver!
Google Reader |
More Info Google Reader is called an
aggregator which basically means a sorter for the RSS feeds. You can also download aggregators like
NetNewsWire which works on your computer, iPhone, or iPad or try a browser-based one like
Bloglines or
NetNewsWire | | |
There are things I like about G-Reader and NetNewsWire. At first both were a little overwhelming, but once you catch up on reading what you've missed it's rather easy to stay on top of it all. I like that I can categorize things with both programs, and I like that you can save an article to read later, or tag it in case you want to find it again. You can also easily switch between just looking through one blog at a time to reading updates from all the blogs you follow at once. If you are a blogger like me, you should definitely try it out!
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